Meet the Founders

Hey, Sweetie! was founded by working parents and restaurateurs, Rob and Sarah who love their customers and were tired of hearing about baking disappointments and lost time in the kitchen.

We know that a lot of off-the-shelf baking mixes and are full of ingredients you don’t want to put in your body, and the mixes don’t teach you how to really bake. We have set out to bring joy back to kitchens and bring confidence to every home baker.

Make Baking Fun Again

Baking can feel like a burden. The recipes, the measuring, the time spent, and for what? Dry cookies, and under baked brownies? Time spent in the kitchen should be nothing other than creating joyful memories with your family and friends.

The problem is that a lot of off-the-shelf baking mixes are full of ingredients you don’t want to put in your body, and the mixes don’t teach you how to really bake.

At Hey, Sweetie!, we believe everyone deserves to feel like a pastry chef, and baking shouldn’t feel like a college level science class. We know your time is precious, and that is why we have created the first baking kit that not only produces amazing pastries at both high altitude and sea-level but equips you to feel confident in the kitchen.